Pashtun, A Military Thriller
An adrenaline-filled war story that depicts the challenges of military special operations in a dangerous, boulder-filled landscape
The Company has a special secret operation planned for one of their top agents: the leaders of the Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorist groups are hiding out in Pashtun country, and they must be eliminated. The job falls to a man they have named Frank Morganan agent who stood out as a recruit at Quantico and whose skills resemble those of the legendary Vietnam assassin. The other soldiers claim Frank’s abilities as a sniper and a tracker border on the supernatural and are more than willing to complete this mission with him.
Frank begins his adventure in Afghanistan with another Company-appointed soldier: an indestructible lyrical Irishman with a cutting sense of humor and a bottle of Jameson never far from hand. After the men rescue a burqa-clad young woman, they soon discover that the Company has not been honest with them and decide to take a second mate under their winga giant who quotes poetry and rap songs while he both enacts torture and lives through his own agonizing trials.
8.9x6.1x1 Inches
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