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زه اکبر آغا یم، د سید محمد اکبر آغا د ژوندانه یادښتونه

I am Akbar Agha, Memories of the Afghan Jihad and the Taliban (The Life Memories of Sayyed Mohammad Akbar Agh)

Pashto / پشتو
2023 / 1402
21.3x14.1x1.2 CM
In Stock
Paperback / 240
(0 Reviews )

زه اکبر آغا یم، د سید محمد اکبر آغا د ژوندانه یادښتونه 

I am Akbar Agha, Memories of the Afghan Jihad and the Taliban (The Life Memories of Sayyed Mohammad Akbar Agh)

By: Sayyed Mohammad Akbar Agha / سید محمد اکبر آغا 

Translated By: Engineer Mohammad Afzal Zakir / انجنیر محمد افضل ذاکر Shira Agha Karimi / شیرآغا کریمی

Edited By: Maulavi Faiz Mohammad Pacha Agha / مولوی فیض محمد پاچا آغا

8.4x5.6x0.5 Inches

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