From That Flame, A Novelized Account of the Life, Death, and Legacy of Ahmed Shah Massoud (PDF)
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FROM THAT FLAME follows journalist Michelle Garrett as she interviews the legendary Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud – the “Lion of Panjshir” – in Afghanistan’s rugged Hindu Kush Mountains. Without warning, an attack by Taliban and al-Qaeda troops propels Michelle into a wartime adventure with Commander Massoud and his Mujahidin, one in which a friendship between the journalist and Massoud grows, giving her a unique perspective into the man the Wall Street Journal credited as being “the Afghan who ended the Cold War.”“The kind of story that people need to know about … It stimulates the body, the mind, and most importantly the soul.”—Edward James Olmos, actor and activist“Massoud grieves in the novel, and then we, who have come to know him in this thoughtful and well researched book, grieve for him and for his dreams — and our own. Ms. Beverly has given us much to ponder.” [The book says] Pay attention.”—Mary Sheeran, author Who Have the Power“The amount of in-depth research it contains is extraordinary and is evident within the story. MaryAnn brings back to life for the reader a man who is truly worthy of the appellation ‘Hero’.”—Katherine Swan, artist/artist representative (Duncan Regehr, RCA)“History wears two faces. One is built of facts and timelines, names and places. But the other face, whose marks are far more indelible, less vulnerable to manipulation, is the image its impresses on those who lived it. This book is about the second: the image of one man that has marked his nation, his people forever. Set against a quick moving and suspense-filled background, the author has given us not only a powerful portrait of a modern hero, but posed some of the most burning questions of human life today, and answers them exquisitely.
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