تاریخ افغانستان بعد از اسلام، مشتمل بر اوضاع سیاسی، اداری، فکری، اجتماعی و اقتصادی در دو قرن اول هجری تا حدود ۲۰۰ هـ
History of Afghanistan after Islam, including the political, administrative, intellectual, social and economic situation in the first two centuries AH to about 200 AH.
Persian / فارسی
1988 / 1367
24.6x17.3x5.8 CM
In Stock
Hardcover / 988
History of Afghanistan after Islam, including the political, administrative, intellectual, social and economic situation in the first two centuries AH to about 200 AH.
9.6x6.8x2.2 Inches
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