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گذری بر تاریخ روابط سیاسی ایران و افغانستان، از اوایل قاجاریه تا ظهور پدیده طالبان و دیگر حوادث و بحرانهای ناشی از آن

Transition to the history of political relations between Iran and Afghanistan: From early Qajar to the emergence of the Taliban and other incidents and crises caused by it

Persian / فارسی
2005 / 1384
23.2x16.7x1.2 CM
In Stock
Paperback / 240
(0 Reviews )

Transition to the history of political relations between Iran and Afghanistan: From early Qajar to the emergence of the Taliban and other incidents and crises caused by it

9.6x6.6x0.5 Inches

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