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No Regrets, An American Adventure in Afghanistan

پشیمانی سود ندارد ماجرای یک امریکایی در افغانستان

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Hardcover / 183
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No Regrets, An American Adventure in Afghanistan

پشیمانی سود ندارد ماجرای یک امریکایی در افغانستان

There is also a dark side - the corruption, the death and mayhem of a war zone.
Yet, through it all, Dave maintains his sense of brotherhood and love for the people of Afghanistan whom he has accepted into his heart as brothers and sisters while working Shona ba Shona (side by side) with these incredible and long suffering people.
In the end, though, Dave predicts what will happen in the end and we are seeing that prediction bear out a decade later in 2021.
Dave is now actively working to get his Afghan brothers and sisters out of the tragedy that has become Afghanistan. If you know a way to help, pls help. We need it. Most of all, the Afghans that helped America do not deserve to be abandoned by corrupt and inept politicians and generals

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