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Faḍail-i Balkh, or The Merits of Balkh, Annotated Translation with Commentary and Introduction of the Oldest Surviving History of Balkh in Afghanistan

24.5x17.7x2.2 CM
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Hardcover / 310
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Faḍail-i Balkh, or The Merits of Balkh, Annotated Translation with Commentary and Introduction of the Oldest Surviving History of Balkh in Afghanistan

Arezou Azad, Edmund Herzig, Ali Mir Ansari 

The Gibb Memorial Trust was founded in 1902 in memory of Elias John Wilkinson Gibb, a scholar who devoted his life to researching the history, literature, philosophy and religion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs. His particular interest was the poetry of Ottoman Turkey, the fruits of which were published, mostly posthumously, in the six-volume History of Ottoman Poetry.

The objectives of the Gibb Memorial Trust are to promote the study and advancement of the areas of Gibb’s interest. This is done through the preparation of scholarly publications, and through the awarding of scholarships to researchers working in the field.

These objectives closely align with EUP’s Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies list, which spans art and architecture, history, language and linguistics, literature, politics and religion, publishing world-class research for an international readership.

9.7x7x0.9 Inches

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