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Four Sufi Classics, Salaman and Absal The Niche for Lights The Way of the Seeker The Abode of Spring

22.4x15.7x2.5 CM
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Hardcover / 240
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Idries Shah

Jami's "Salaman and Absal" translated by Edward Fitzgerald, Al-Ghazzali's "The Niche for Lights" translated by W.H.T. Gairdner, Hakim Sanai's "The Way of the Seeker" and Jami's "The Abode of Spring," Translated and abridged by David L. Pendlebury Introduction by Idries Shah

Ghazzali, Sanai and Jami, authors of the four Sufi classics presented here are among the very greatest names in the Sufi tradition.

These four classical expositions of Sufi thought and experience give a cross-section of traditional instruction materials studied in dervish schools-but which are also a part of the literature of the Middle East.

The dates of these translations range from the famous Salaman, published in 1856, to Pendlebury's rendering from The Way of the Seeker, completed in 1979. The introduction to this volume provides informative background as to the intent of the various works and observations on the translations from a Sufi point of view.

8.8x6.2x1 Inches

ISBN: 0900860693

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