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A Taste of Afghanistan: Stories, Recipes, Poems, Interviews and Cultural Beliefs

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Paperback / 112
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"..the..meaning of the word 'afghan' refers to the spiritual station of the soul, characterized by the one who has achieved true purity". This spiritual essence pervades the hospitality of the Afghan family and provides an enhanced enjoyment of the delicate, often centuries-old dishes presented to their guests. Despite the perception by some of a poor impoverished people, the Afghans were healthy, reverent and prosperous....dressed in beautiful traditional (embroidered)clothing..their homes abound(ed) with hand-woven elaborately embroidered items made from natural fabrics like silk, wool and cotton....an isolated mountain kingdom it was an ancient highly civilized society....(that) had a pyramid structure...the king headed the pyramid, his relatives...occupied the next level,(were) the nobility, merchants, artisans, farmers, herdsmen were next..and laborers were the lowest class.  

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